Monday, November 14, 2011

Tis the Season of Sugar.......

Tis the Season of Sugar……

This is my favorite time of year for so many reasons, but it’s also the season of excess sugar. 

Nancy Appleton, author of the book Suicide by Sugar, has compiled a list of 140 reasons why sugar is ruining your health.  Here are several that pertain to children: suppresses your immune system, causes hyperactivity, anxiety, inability to concentrate, crankiness, tooth decay, learning disorders, eczema, food allergies and asthma…..just to name a few.

Parents who would not give their children candy for breakfast may be unknowingly giving their children food with the sugar equivalent.  At least with candy you  know what you’re getting.  Any food company can slap the word(s) healthy and/or 100% natural on any packaging, but these words are meaningless.  The FDA and USDA don’t regulate these words on products so they can be used freely and meant to sell more products. 
Dolphin Readers: Level 1: 275-Word Vocabulary Candy for Breakfast

Here is a look at popular breakfast/snack items that are loaded with sugar…..who knew?

See full size imageDid you know that McDonald’s oatmeal (ok, oatmeal, you think healthy) has more sugar than a Snickers bar?  And it has 10 fewer calories than a McDonald’s cheeseburger!  Their Fruit ‘n Yogurt Parfait has as much sugar as a Payday Bar.

After seeing Supersize Me, I am grossed out by McDonald's and their practices, so this doesn’t surprise me.
Super Size Me Poster
Highly recommend this movie. It will make your stomach turn!

Some Cliff Bars have more sugar than a Pop Tart…..
Product Details

Healthy Valley Strawberry Cobbler Cereal Bars have as much sugar as a bowl of M&M’s.  

You can see the list of energy “health” bars and their sugar equivalent at

A Strawberry NutriGrain bar has as much sugar as 5 packs of SweeTarts.

Frosted Mini Wheats with Skim Milk has as much sugar as 1 Nestle Crunch bar.

Banana Berry Jamba Juice has as much sugar as 4 Mounds bars. 

Blueberry Eggos with syrup has as much sugar as 2 Almond Joy bars.

Honey Smacks Cereal has as much sugar as a Dunkin Donut glazed donut.

Maple Brown Sugar Quaker Instant Oatmeal has the sugar equivalent of 
7 Pixy Sticks.

1 serving of Gatorade has as much sugar as 12 pieces of candy corn.


According to Dr. Sears, a well renown pediatrician, having complex carbohydrates and protein for breakfast gives our kids a good head start on the day.

Next blog topic…..nutritious breakfast ideas that you can make in advance, making the morning routine a little easier. 
Banana-Cinnamon Waffles

On a sugar side note…..I have had something called Candida, which thrives on any kind of sugar, natural or processed.  It can cause a wide variety of symptoms and make you feel horrible.   After completing my 2nd food bases cleanse I feel like a new person.  My Candida is almost completely gone, no fibromyalgia symptoms and 95% of my perimenopause symptoms gone….yes, gone and it was done ALL naturally (no RX's) while eating tons of nutrient dense foods. I have finally kicked sugar to the curb!

 I feel great and am telling everyone about the Love Life Method.  Please see my journey below… has been life changing for me!